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- Australian Artist. June 1989 “Striving for a sense of time, light, mood and magic”.
- Australian Artist. March 1993 No. 105 “Sacrifice detail for emotion”.
- Australian Artist. July 1996. No. 145 “Wrestling with watercolour”.
- Best Of Watercolour ( Rockport Publishers ) 1997. “Painting Light and Shadow”
- Australian Artist. September 1998 No. 171 “Rebels Making History – The TwentyMelbourne Painters Society”.
- International Artist. No 1. June/ July 1998 “Australian Showcase”..
- Flash Art . Vol XXXI No. 21 1998
- Australian Artist. August 1999 No. 182. “The Creative Process”.
- International Artist. No 8. August/ September 1999 “The 3 Tone Trick”
- Australian Artist. July 2001. No. 205. “Oil and Watercolour Workshop”.
- Australian Artist. May 2003. No. 227. “Prizewinning Light”.
- Australian Artist. July 2004. No. 241. “20th Birthday Issue”.
- Australian Artist. October 2005. No. 256. “Analyse This”.
- Australian Artist. October 2008. No. 292. “Why and how do I paint the subjects I paint”.
- Australian Artist. May 2009. No. 299. “Some techniques for pepping up paintings”.
- Australian Artist. January 2011. No. 319. “Seeing the big picture – en plein air”.
- Australian Artist. October 2011. No 328. “How to get magic light into your paintings”.
- Australian Artist. December 2011. No. 330. “Making It Memorable”.
- The Artist ( UK). December 2011. ” Light, Mood, Magic”.
- The Art Of Watercolour ( UK ) L’ Art de L’Aquarelle ( France) 8th Issue “Painting Freely”.
- The Art Of Watercolour ( UK) L’Art de L’Aquarelle ( France) 9th Issue “Painting in the South of France”.
- The Art of Watercolour (L’Art de l’Aquarelle France). “Painting Plein Air with the Great Masters“, p38. Issue 19, 2015.
- Australian Artist. “So Much to See and Learn: Painting en plein air in Tasmania”. p20-25. Issue 372. June 2015.
- Australian Artist. “Lessons in Watercolour with Amanda Hyatt. Part 1. Introduction”. p10-11. Issue 374. August 2015.
- Australian Artist. “Lessons in Watercolour with Amanda Hyatt. Part 2. Landscapes” p54-59. Issue 375. Sept. 2015.
- Australian Artist. “Lessons in Watercolour with Amanda Hyatt. Part 3. Techniques”. p54-59. Issue 376. Oct. 2015.
- Australian Artist. “Lessons in Watercolour with Amanda Hyatt. Part 4. Loosening Up”. p60-64. Issue 377. Nov. 2015.
- Australian Artist. “Lessons in Watercolour with Amanda Hyatt. Part 5. Perspective”. p54-57. Issue 378. Dec. 2015.
- Artist’s Palette Year Book, 2015. “Amanda’s Art”. p16-21.
- Artist’s Palette Year Book, 2015. “Making an Impression with Watercolour”. p22-24.
- Australian Artist. “Lessons in Watercolour with Amanda Hyatt. Part 6. Tonalist vs Colourists”. p62-64. Issue 379. Jan. 2016.The six articles (Parts 1 to 6) in the Australian Artist Magazine “Lessons in Watercolour, with Amanda Hyatt were also published as a series in International Artist Magazine (August 2015 to January 2016).
- The Art of Watercolour ((L’Art de L’Aquarelle, France). 28th Issue. Invited, “Being a woman and an artist”. p77.
- Australian Artist. “The Magnificent Eucalypt”. April 2018.
- The Artist (UK). “Tonal Impressionism”. May, 2018.
- The Artist(UK). “Five Steps to a Successful Painting”. June,2018.
- The Artist (UK). “Into the light”. July, 2018.
- The Artist (UK). “Tricks and Fixes”. Summer Edition, 2018.
- The Artist (UK). “Tonal Impressionism (2)”. August, 2018.
- The Artist (UK). “Figures in Watercolour”. May 2019.
- The Artist (UK). “Face painting”. June 2019.
- The Artist (UK). “Out in the Landscape”. August 2019.
- The Artist (UK). “How to Paint Lakes and Rivers”. September 2019.
- The Artist (UK). “Still Life: Not just a Vase of Flowers”. October 2019.
- The Australian Artist. “:When Only The Best Will Do”. September 2019.
- The Artist (UK). “Enjoy Success With Interior Scenes”. December 2019.
- The Artist (UK). “Street Scenes in Watercolour” April, 2020.
- The Artist (UK). “Coastal SCenes And Boats in Watercolour”. September 2020.
- Artists and Ilustrators (UK). “Landscapes”. September 2020.

Contact Amanda to purchase her book
WATERCOLOUR: Tonal Impressionism.
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