Amanda’s APV  “Masterclass Watercolour River Scene”


I am pleased to present my second teaching download from APV Films UK. The subject is a full sheet river scene of the Moorabool River near Geelong In Australia. The painting was done en plein air on a very hot summer day. The location was in a difficult place down a steep embankment but no such trouble is a problem when the subject matter is so interesting. I once again emphasise my 5 steps to big picture full sheet painting alla prima style. These are the same as listed for the first landscape download. I emphasise the need to paint spontaneously, just reacting to what is in front of you, with sensitivity, intelligence and intuition. Always be aware of the light, the shadows, the negative spaces and the need for less detail. Make every brush stroke matter…without the darks there can be no light…and balance is essential. The eye will then be pleased. Enjoy.

The episode is available as a DVD  or ‘download’. If you wish to purchase this download refer to  Amanda Hyatt